Integrate with Facebook & Twitter
Advertiser accounts can sync up with Facebook and Twitter so that when you send out a coupon or a text message to an opt-in list, it will also post to your Facebook or Twitter page, or both simultaneously depending on your preferences.
To connect to your Facebook account, log into the advertiser dashboard, and click ‘Connect to Facebook’ under the ‘Tools’ column. A pop-up window will load and ask you to log in to your account. Once you log in, it will ask you to approve our mobile marketing application for use. Upon approval, the window will display the message: ‘You have been successfully integrated your account with Facebook. Please close this window and continue.’ Close the pop-up and you will say ‘Facebook Connected’ in place of ‘Connect to Facebook’.
To connect to your Twitter account, the process is the same except you select ‘Connect to Twitter’ in the Tools column and login to your Twitter account in the pop-up window. Your Twitter account will automatically connect to your account once you sign in, and a message in the window will confirm this. Your advertiser dashboard will now display ‘Twitter Connected’ in place of ‘Connect to Twitter’.
If you have multiple pages for Facebook, click the ‘Facebook Pages’ link under Tools and there, you can enable and disable pages connected to your advertiser account:
To integrate to Facebook, click on "Connect Facebook", and allow the system to be integrated to your account by clicking "Go to App"